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Filters add flair to photos taken by our photo booths and selfies. Perfect for loads of events including exhibitions, award evenings and product promotion. In the past we’ve worked with big brands in the market to deliver tailored social activation that works, and we’re excited about the future. From vintage, black + white, comic book, Warhol, sketch and more, there are loads of cool filters to impress your clients or potential customers.

Today photos are rarely uploaded without a filter. Filters enhance a photo and make it more attractive with the click of a button. Creatively using filters is a great way to step up your marketing game. Photo filters can instantly age a photo to conjure a sense of nostalgia or make the colours so punchy it could never go unnoticed.

Planning an experiential event or an in-store promotion? Our software offers a selection of filters. Whether you’re consistently promoting your brand or you choose a filter to suit your event like the sketch, Warhol or night vision options, there are so many choices. Amazingly, being able to easily enhance photos has helped level the playing field for companies with a variety of marketing capabilities.

A smaller business can now compete with larger brands when it comes to attracting potential customers if filters are used effectively. Filters are an inexpensive, fast and easy solution for any brand to produce higher-quality visual marketing materials.

60% of top brands on Instagram use consistent filters on posts so they have a clear style, ideal for brand recognition and not just for Instagram.

The most successful brands use filters so why not integrate them into your campaign? An effective brand strategy gives the edge in a competitive market. The results of a study by Yahoo Labs and Georgia Tech show enhancing a photo using filters and striking copy increases the number of comments you receive by 45% and boost searchability by 25%. Filtered photos work as an effective visual marketing asset.